๐ŸŽ›๏ธDashboard Overview

The main dashboard is strategically organized into four primary sections to optimize user navigation and functionality:

1. Sidebar (Navigation Panel):

  • Navigation: Shows various destinations available within the Blinks.to app

For your convenience, the sidebar is designed to be collapsible, allowing you to maximize your workspace as needed.

To Toggle Sidebar:

  • Look for the toggle icon (represented by a blue vertical small line) situated at the right of the sidebar.

  • When you hover over this line, it changes to an arrow iconโ€”pointing rightwards to indicate expansion, or leftwards to signal retraction.

  • Simply click on this icon to swiftly expand or collapse the sidebar.

This hover-to-reveal functionality allows for a clean interface while providing easy access to expand the sidebar when you need it.

  • Navigation Options: Provides quick links to various sections of the web app, including:

    • Create New: A dedicated space for Custom URL conversion.

    • Home: Your default homepage, providing an overview of your plan details, limits, and current usage.

    • Dashboard: Your main workspace and overview.

    • Analytics: Displays comprehensive metrics, top URL lists, graphical representations of user interactions based on different categories, and more.

    • Links: Access to your complete list of shortened URLs, with extensive filtering and sorting options.

    • QR Codes: A specific area for URLs associated with QR codes, retaining all filtering options found in 'Links'.

    • Collections: View, manage, and create collections to group your marketing promotions, each displayed with relevant statistics.

    • Bulk Convert: A utility for mass URL shortening through text input or file uploads, adhering to plan-specific limitations.

    • Help Docs: Directs to this help documentation.

    • User Settings: User Settings: Gain detailed access to your account information, billing usage, settings, custom domains, and more

    • Log Out: Securely exit your user session.

2. Top Menu Bar:

Top menu bar consists mainly the Quick Convert Widget in the center and search panel, notification and user settings

  • Quick Convert Widget: View here

  • Search: A powerful tool to sift through URLs, collections, and more, directing users to a results page with additional filtering options.

  • Notifications: Keeps you updated with the latest features, announcements, or personal messages.

  • Profile & Settings: Quick access to your account settings, help docs, product roadmap, feature requests, and bug reporting.

3. Metrics Section:

  • First Row: Displays aggregate metrics including the total number of URLs, total clicks, monthly URL additions, and monthly clicks.

  • Second Row: Showcases a bar graph depicting daily clicks with adjustable time periods, plus an option to export the chart as a PNG file.

4. URL Components:

  • Converted URL Display: Below the input field, view your shortened URLs, each with a dedicated component for easy management. Pagination is available to navigate through your URLs, displaying up to 10 per page.

To know about aggregate analytics, click below

๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฌAggregate Analytics

Last updated